buildings by the water at Galveston, Texas

HSRP Public Meeting, Galveston, TX, March 15 - 17, 2016

Meeting Federal Register Notice:
Meeting Flier: HSRP Galveston Flyer 2016.pdf
Location: Tremont House Hotel
2300 Ship's Mechanic Row
Galveston, TX 77550
phone 409-763-0300 fax 409-763-1539
Tuesday 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Photo Gallery:
Agenda: Public Agenda HSRP Galveston 9 March 2016.docx
Reference Materials and Links:
Speaker Bios:
Mr. Neils A. Aalund
Ms. Juliana Blackwell
Mr. Stephen Blaskey
Dr. W. Russell Callender
CAPT. Bill Diehl
Mr. Rich Edwing
Mr. Christopher C. Frabotta
RDML Gerd F. Glang
Captain Sherri Hickman
Mr. Brian Hill
Dr. Gary Jeffress
Mr. Christopher McHugh
Mr. Ray Newby
COL. Richard Pannell
CAPT. Brian Penoyer
Captain George Pontikos
Peter Simons
Dr. Philippe Tissot
Mr. Peter Simons
Mr. Jed Webb
Mayor Jim Yarbrough

Tuesday March 15

Wednesday March 16

Day 1: HSRP Federal Advisory Committee 15 March 2016.mp4
Transcript: 0315NOAA-HSRP.pdf  0315NOAA-HSRP.docx

Day 2: HSRP Federal Advisory Committee 16 March 2016.mp4
Transcript: 0316NOAA-HSRP.pdf   0316NOAA-HSRP.docx

Day 3: HSRP Federal Advisory Committee 17 March 2016.mp4
Transcript: 0317NOAA-HSRP.pdf   0317NOAA-HSRP.docx
Committee Letter:
NOAA Response: NOAA signed response letter to HSRP August 25 2016 Galveston.pdf
Summary: Summary Report HSRP NOAA Galveston March 2016 Final.pdf

Contact Information

For further information please contact:

NOAA Hydrographic Services Review Panel
1315 East-West Highway
SSMC3, N/CS, room 6127
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Revised: 9/26/2016